Excellent condition or better.



What Really Mattered? Six dec-

ades of speeches, treaties, trends,

books, bombs, pills, screams and

rockets-what will have mat-

tered in the long run? Will peni-

cillin prove to have affected

more lives than World War II

A look at why, among the many

major news stories of the past 60

years, some have proved to be

more indelible than others.


War and Peace. Five decisive.


moments of conflict. 1939:

Hitler invades Poland, unleash-

ing World War II. 1941: Ja-

pan attacks Pearl Harbor and

the U.S. declares war.

Atomic bomb on Hiroshima

ends the fighting, opens nuclear

age.1950: Chinese widen

Korean War. 1968: Ter

offensive staggers Viet Nam


This Turbulent World. People's

struggles to change their lives.

1930: India's Gandhi begins

civil disobedience to win inde-

pendence. 1949: Commu-

nists conquer China. 1956:

Hungarians rebel: Soviets crush

them.1962: Kennedy forces

Khrushchev to remove missiles

from Cuba. 1974: Watergate

ends with Nixon's resignation.


Triumphs of the Spirit. Some

good news. 1927: Lindbergh

shows that a man alone can con

quer an ocean, captivate a

world. 1948: After 2,000

years of exile, the Jews regain a

home. 1963: Blacks march

for their rights. 1965: The

Vatican Council opens up the

Catholic Church.


Women organize a new future.


5 Letter from the Editor-in-Chief

COVER KEY: Top Row, 1923-1932: Joseph G. Casson.

Sigmund Freud. Thomas A. Edison. Arturo Toscanini. Leon D

Trotsky, Charles Lindbergh (Man of the Yeari. J. Pierpont Mor

gan. Al Capone, Mahatma Gandhi (Mas of the Years. Sen Huey P

Long Second Row, 1933-1942: Joseph Goebbels James

Joyce Henry Ford Marlene Dietrich, Dionne Quintuplets Neville

Chamberlain Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt. Hideki

Ton General MacArthur Third Row, 1943-1952: Benito

Mulini. General Eisenhower. Adolf Hider. Albert Einstein,

Jackie Robinson, David Ben Gurion, Jawaharlal Nehru Harry S

Truman Groucho Mars Queen Elizabeth II Fourth Rew,


9 Letters 158 People



The Wealth of Nations. For

richer or poorer. 1923: Infla-

tion ravages Germany, paves

the way for political disaster.

1929: The N.Y. stock mar-

ket crash begins the Depression.

1933: FDR launches the

New Deal 1947: The Mar-

shall Plan rebuilds postwar Eu-

rope. 1973: Arab oil embar-

go sends energy prices soaring.


Art and Its Rewards. Some cre-

alors who made news that

stayed news 1931: Charlie

Chaplin's latest film, City

Lights 1937-Ernest Hem-

ingway's new novel, To Have

and Have Not. 1938: Frank

Lloyd Wright plans a number of

important buildings. 1967:

The triumphant Beatles.

1980: The prolific Picasso.


Frontiers of Science. To the un-

known and beyond. 1944:

Penicillin goes on the market.

1955: Jonas Salk's vaccine

promises to eliminate crippling

polio. 1969: Neil Armstrong

takes man's first walk on the

moon. 1971: Solving the rid-

dle of DNA may enable scientists

to change the human body.

1982: Year of the computer.


And Here Comes 1984. Look-

ing ahead to 1984, George Or-

well portrayed a grim future of

"newspeak" and "doublethink,"

but now that his future is about

to become our present, where

do we stand? Some hopeful

thoughts on utopias, past and

present, and a suggestion that

even doublethink may turn out to

possess some redeeming value.

1953-1962: Joseph Stalin, Joe

IME TIME TIME Marilyn Monroe, Hungarian Patriot (Man of the Year). Mao Tse-

tung Fidel Castro John F. Kennedy Nikita Khrushchev, The Ber-

lie Wall Fifth Row, 1963-1972: Pope John XXIII (Man of the

Year, Martin Luther King Jr. (Man of the Year, Lyndon B. Joh

son. Is God Dead, The Beatles Robert F. Kennedy. Nell Arm-

son Is God Dead. Then Papers, Leonid Bre

Neil Arm

strong The Arab Guerrillas The Pentagon Papers, Leonid Bre

nev Bottom Row, 1973-1982: President Nixon, Leadership

Viet Nam Carter. Rengan & Ford, Women's Politics, Anwar Sa

dat Khomeini and Carter, Mount St. Helens. Reagan Shot. The

Computer Moves In (Machine of the Year

Covers hidden by type: McCarthy, Chiang, MM

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