The Standard Catalogue of United States Coins 1953 (Wayte Raymond, 1953 HC) 16th


"The 1935 edition (published in 1934) was the first, and it continued
annually through the 1945 edition (published in 1944) except for 1943
when only a 16-page supplement was published. The 1946 edition was
the first numbered one, the 11th, and thereafter this catalog was
published irregularly through the final 18th edition of 1957, of
which Olga E. Raymond, Wayte's widow, was the editor. In that edition
only, the substantial contributions of John J. Ford, Jr., and Walter
H. Breen were recognized, although the 1938 edition and all subsequent
to it did list names of the contributors.

"The contents of the catalogs, as well as the titles, varied somewhat
from year to year. The 1940, 1941 and 1942 editions had extensive
merchant token supplements and for that reason are desired by token
collectors. Others included listings of colonial, obsolete and
confederate paper money.