What is the Stirling Engine or Stirlingmotor ? 

A Stirling engine is a heat engine that operates by cyclic compression and expansion of air or other gas, the working fluid, at different temperature levels such that there is a net conversion of heat energy to mechanical work.The engine is like a steam engine in that all of the engine's heat flows in and out through the engine wall.

ROBINSON Hot Water Stirling Engine / Stirlingmotor – JAJ 831

Mini Engine Starting 2018 - YouTube

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The Robinson’s displacer moves vertically and the power piston move horizontally. This 90’ arrangement makes for a very compact size. In fact, the power piston connecting rod weaves its way through the displacer linkage.

The top plate is made from acrylic , therefore all the moving parts are visible.

Place this Robison Stirling Engine on a cup of hot water / hot coffee  & it may needs some time to start. The time is depends on the heat source given & is generally within 30 seconds to 2 minutes...

The engine won't start by itself, but given a little push in the proper direction (strong enough to coast the parts over for several cycles), the engine will take off and continue running on its own.


Weight : 220g

Sizes : 120mm x 120mm x 115mm

Material : Top  plate – clear acrylic ;  displacer – foam ;  Bottom plate & others- aluminium


Package Included:-

1 set of stirling engine