Buried by Time And Dust 2023 – LIM.250 DLP -  - BLACK VINYL


"Bleed Em Dry" LP in separate sleeve, "For Demonstration Only 82/83" in separate sleeve, both LPs housed in a slipcase, booklet with unseen photos from both eras/ forward by Nick Bowcott, lyrics, 4 Pake Insert



A1                          Intro The Reaper

A2                          Street Lady

A3                          Maggy (You're Gone)

A4                          Loving You


B1                          Bleed 'em Dry

B2                          Ride Me

B3                          (Why Are You) Leaving

B4                          The Reaper


C1                          Entrance

C2                          All Hell Let Loose

C3                          Loser In Love

C4                          Liar


D1                          See You In Hell

D2                          Suck It And See

D3                          Now Or Never

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