The Papers of Walter Clark (Chief Justice) Volume One 1857-1901 is a biographical work that contains the collected papers of Walter Clark, a prominent American lawyer and jurist who served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of North Carolina from 1902 until 1924. This hardcover book, with a dust jacket, was published in 1948 and is in great condition, with only minor damage to the jacket. Additionally, a compliments card from the Clark family accompanies the book.

The book was edited and compiled by two noted scholars of North Carolina history, Aubrey Lee Brooks and Hugh Talmage Lefler. Brooks was a professor of history at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and served as the state's official historian. Lefler was also a professor of history at UNC and was known for his expertise on the social and cultural history of the state.

The book contains a wealth of primary source material, including personal letters, legal briefs, speeches, and other documents that shed light on Clark's life and career. The papers cover a period of over 40 years, from Clark's early years as a lawyer in the late 19th century to his tenure as Chief Justice in the early 20th century.

Some of the highlights of the book include Clark's correspondence with other prominent lawyers and judges of the time, as well as his speeches on legal topics such as the role of the judiciary in American democracy. The book also includes a number of legal briefs and opinions written by Clark, which provide insight into his legal philosophy and his approach to interpreting the law.

For example, one letter from Clark to his friend and fellow lawyer William H. Battle discusses a case that Clark had just argued before the North Carolina Supreme Court. In the letter, Clark expresses his frustration with the court's decision and laments the state of the legal profession in general. He writes, "I have not been so disappointed in a long time as I was in the result of that case. It seems to me that the Court is too much inclined to follow precedent blindly, instead of trying to reach a just and equitable decision based on the facts of each case."

Overall, The Papers of Walter Clark (Chief Justice) Volume One 1857-1901 is a valuable resource for scholars of American legal history and anyone interested in the life and career of Walter Clark. The book provides a unique window into the world of American law and politics during a pivotal period in the nation's history.

9.5" x 6.5" x 2.75"

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