New Book , Polish release

Joseph Murphy, author of "The Power of the Subconscious", a best-selling guide sold in Poland in over two million copies, returns with a book about extraordinary skills related to extrasensory perception.

Each of us has a unique inner power that allows us to perceive events and experiences not only through the five senses. You will also learn to use it without much difficulty. The benefits it will bring you will amaze you.

Use methods such as clairvoyance, fortune-telling, extrasensory communication of lovers or telepathy in everyday life. Not all of us realize that everyone can awaken their talents to them. They lie dormant in each of us, and in this book you will understand how to use them and make your life more complete.

The above description comes from the publisher.

In the case of purchasing books, shipping is unfortunately expensive, so it's best to choose  multiple books in one shipment
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