Zorin OS Core and Lite will fit on a single DVD while the educational versions come on a single DVD.
Zorin OS is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. It uses a GNOME 3 and XFCE 4 desktop environment by default, although the desktop is heavily customized in order to help users transition from Windows and macOS easily.[2][3] Wine and PlayOnLinux are supported,[4] allowing users to run compatible Windows software, like Microsoft Office. Its creators maintain three free editions of the operating system, and sell a professional edition.[5]

Zorin OS is fully graphical, with a graphical installer. For stability and security, it follows the long-term releases of the main Ubuntu system. It uses its own software repositories as well as Ubuntu's repositories. These repositories are accessible through the common apt-get or apt install commands via the Linux terminal, or a GUI-based software manager that provides an app store-like experience for users who don't wish to use the terminal.

The OS also comes with a number of desktop layouts or themes to modify the desktop environment. The themes let users change the interface to resemble those of Microsoft Windows, macOS, or Ubuntu[6][7][8] and allow the interface to be familiar regardless of the previous system a user has come from.[9] As with all GNOME-based desktop environments, the look and feel of the desktop can be modified using GNOME extensions.