Digital Divide among University Students in Bangladesh

Digital Divide among University Students in Bangladesh

Md. Aminul Islam,Md. Satil Siraj,Md. Mashihur Rahman

Autore: Md. Aminul Islam,Md. Satil Siraj,Md. Mashihur Rahman
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 80
Data Pubblicazione: 2013-05-18
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

This book offers a broader understanding of the new form social inequality the digital divide from the context of Bangladesh, a developing nation in South Asia. Emphasis was given to reveal the dimensions, patterns and stages of the phenomena among university students in the country. Since 1990s, academics and researchers began to argue that these promises are fulfilled only to those with access and competence to use these new technologies, because with adoption of those technologies existing social stratification and relations began to reproduce in an uneven way. The digital divide is such a pinpointing concept that helps to understand the social impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs). It is a complex phenomenon which has social, cultural, economical, technological, and educational as well as political dimensions.