The Adoption of Electronic Invoicing in Nigerian Companies

The Adoption of Electronic Invoicing in Nigerian Companies

Sunday Adewale Olaleye

Autore: Sunday Adewale Olaleye
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 136
Data Pubblicazione: 2013-12-11
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

Einvoicing has the potential to reduce supply chain transaction cost, space, and time as well as unnecessary administrative burdens on Nigerian companies. Both the supplier and the buyer will enjoy the benefits of cost reduction, increased efficiency and enhanced productivity. Job creation will be the reward from einvoicing to Nigeria as a country as its adoption will pave the way for the new startup companies as einvoicing service providers. Above all, the practical implication of this book on behavioural intention to adopt einvoicing on Nigerian society is the smallest carbon footprint of invoicing through reduction in carbon dioxide (C02). All these add up to present einvoicing as the need of the moment.