Respiratory High Dependency Care Units

Respiratory High Dependency Care Units

Raffaele Scala

Autore: Raffaele Scala
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 56
Data Pubblicazione: 2014-10-08
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

The burden of acute respiratory failure (ARF) has become one the greatest epidemiological challenges for the modern health systems. Consistently, the imbalance between the increasing prevalence of acutely decompensated respiratory diseases and the shortage of highdaily cost ICU beds has stimulated new health costeffective solutions. Respiratory HighDependency Care Units (RHDCU) provide a specialized environment for patients who require an intermediate level of care between the ICU and the ward, where noninvasive monitoring and assisted ventilation techniques are preferentially applied. RHDCUs provide a specialised quality of care for ARF with health resources optimisation and their spread throughout health systems has been driven by their highlevel of expertise in noninvasive ventilation (NIV), weaning from invasive ventilation, tracheostomy care, and discharging planning for ventilatordependent patients.