Women-s Participation in the Political System of Iran from (1991-2008)

Women-s Participation in the Political System of Iran from (1991-2008)

Nariman Bavarsad Omidian,Hooman Hajati

Autore: Nariman Bavarsad Omidian,Hooman Hajati
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 140
Data Pubblicazione: 2014-11-12
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

The book is calledWomens Participation in the Political System of Iran. There are evidently several socialpolitical, legal and cultural barriers that obstruct the entry of women into political arena. Since the number of women participants are rather low, the book focuses on sociopolitical factors that influence the participation of women as electorate in the five General Elections between 19912008. It utilized crosssectional data of longitudinal studies to arrive at conclusion. The dependent factors of demography are ranged against hindrance factors set along five dimensions. These factors and hindrance factors are compared also the relevance of the factors between each corresponding election are studied using the Pearson significant number and test like , MaanWhitny U test ,Kolmogrov Smirnow test and Creamer Khido test etc. To prove that tendency to participate does exist but the impediment factors of illiteracy, patriarchal view point, traditions, culture and norms act as obstructions to the entry of women in political field. It is recommended that Iranian women must overcome their reluctance and become equal participants in the sust