Sanitary integrity of Community-based water supply in Bangladesh

Sanitary integrity of Community-based water supply in Bangladesh

Sabiha Sarwar

Autore: Sabiha Sarwar
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 64
Data Pubblicazione: 2015-01-13
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

Water is one of the materials required to sustain life and has long been suspected of being the source of human illness. It was not until approximately 150 years ago that definite proof of disease transmission through water was established. For many years following, the major consideration was to produce adequate supplies that were hygienically safe. However, source waters (surface and groundwater) have become increasingly contaminated due to natural and anthropogenic activities. This situation is so acute in SouthWest part of Bangladesh where climate change put drastic effect on water supply and health perspectives. In this book, my vision is to state out the problem of the water pollution and sanitary integrity status through risk scoring category. Besides, alternative water supply solution in communitybased contribute greatly to the wellbeing of the inhabitants of Bangladesh.