Use of image processing through Emotion detection and fuzzy filter

Use of image processing through Emotion detection and fuzzy filter

Himadri Nath Moulick

Autore: Himadri Nath Moulick
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 76
Data Pubblicazione: 2015-02-18
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

This book mainly show how image pros sing are implemented. How we used fuzzy filter in piratical life and emotion detection in also piratical life . This book help people to use the logic in piratical life then life is more easy. Fast we dis cause I discuss about the thinking of this type of the project. One day I crossed a road. In that time a blind person was crossing the road with the help of the stick. Though the road signal was green but couldnt recognize this and went ahead step by step.secondly we In this world and also surroundings you many types or many character people are present.present. Every person are not good and as well as not bad.By those people ,some people works to physically or mentally harassment to the other people like if teaching,rape etc. This is too bad condition in our places.Try to stop and advanced alert this type of condition we are creating this types of watches and jacket. and thirdly we dis cause the noise removal by fuzzy filter and at last video to still picture convert . dis cause it in this book.