Text Conversion System Between Turkic Dialects

Text Conversion System Between Turkic Dialects

Emel Alk?m,Yalç?n ÇEB?

Autore: Emel Alk?m,Yalç?n ÇEB?
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 176
Data Pubblicazione: 2015-10-23
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

Turkic communities come from a common culture; however the interaction with other communities over years caused diversion especially in written language. A system which can automatically translate documents written in different Turkic languages will be an important step towards eliminating the disunity of Turkic communities on written work of art over past ninety years and obtaining fusion of Turkic communities. In this book, a rulebased and semisupervised machine translation system MTTurk, which is designed for closely related Turkic languages and implemented on Turkish, Kirghiz and Kazan Tatar, is presented. MTTurk is an extensible bidirectional translation infrastructure in which new Turkic dialects can be added by just adding the lexicon of roots/stems, suffixes, and the rules. Furthermore, it is open to extension by suggestion. In order to form a multilingual machine translation infrastructure, two subsets of rulebased approach, the interlingual machine translation approach and transferbased approach were used in combination to achieve extensibility and interoperability. The book also includes evaluation of the translation process using both BLEU and NIST metrics.