Hybrid Solar Lighting

Hybrid Solar Lighting

Nithiyananthan Kannan,Priyanka Mani

Autore: Nithiyananthan Kannan,Priyanka Mani
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 60
Data Pubblicazione: 2016-02-26
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

This book explains the making a prototype of a new affordable design in order to increase the efficiency of solar energy in buildings, i.e, Hybrid Solar Lighting Systems. HSLs make use of solar energy in a different and innovative way. Sunlight is channeled through fibre optic cable bundles to light up rooms without windows. The fibre optic cables conduct sunlight from the sun into the room. There are rooftop collectors placed on the roof, which adjust their position to aim the sunlight onto the fibres. These fibres are flexible and are joined to light diffuser rods that disperse light. This technology will solve a lot of issues and problems associated with lighting systems of the present such as glare,excess light, cost, efficiency and spatial availability. This book discusses an overview of various aspects and applications of Hybrid solar lighting and its implementation in small houses.