Resilience and the criminal justice system

Resilience and the criminal justice system

Mihaela Tomi??

Autore: Mihaela Tomi??
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 52
Data Pubblicazione: 2017-05-09
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

This book presents a brief introduction in the relationship and connections between resilience and law and analyses the possible roles that resilience may have in the science of criminal law and the place where it finds applicability within the criminal justice system. This analysis led to the definition of a new concept, that of juridical resilience. In particular, for the criminal justice system, the limits and inefficiency of intervention methods used for the social reintegration of offenders, and the dissatisfaction of their victims, as a consequence of sanctions imposed to offenders who, in both cases do not respond to their real needs. The current models, used for the treatment of victims and offenders are often mechanistic and marked by contradictions, inconsistencies and false perceptions. The reforms of the criminal justice system have been made many times, not because they were proven genuinely effective, but because of the trust in the superiority of Western models that have been taken mechanically, without being adapted to the profile and specific needs of the beneficiaries.