Physics of the Consciousness

Physics of the Consciousness

Miros?aw Koz?owski,Janina Marciak-Koz?owska

Autore: Miros?aw Koz?owski,Janina Marciak-Koz?owska
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 204
Data Pubblicazione: 2017-06-28
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

Consciousness can explore mathematics, but mathematics cannot describe consciousness. While mathematical reality is analytic (systems are divisible into parts, down to mute elements), consciousness is fundamentally synthetic (its divisions can only be approximations). Conscious events are subject to time order, which is their order of relative existence: an event A coming before an event B is an event that exists inside B (in memory, even if it may be hard to retrieve). In other words, past events exist but future events are not determined yet.