Disability, Social Support and Quality of Life of Women with Epilepsy

Disability, Social Support and Quality of Life of Women with Epilepsy

Athyadi Uttaiah Shreedevi,Prakashi Rajaram

Autore: Athyadi Uttaiah Shreedevi,Prakashi Rajaram
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 196
Data Pubblicazione: 2017-08-17
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

Although Epilepsy is a neurological condition, its management often gets complicated by its psychosocial consequences. It has farreaching social and emotional consequences often leading to the disabling condition, which often affects the individuals quality of life as well as impair his/her supportive social network. Previous researches on women with epilepsy have concentrated on the biological aspects such as menstrual cycle, pregnancy, child bearing, lactation, menopause or other comorbid conditions. In the area of psychological and social aspects the studies were conducted on health related quality of life, psychological adjustment, wellbeing, psychiatric morbidity are studied often. There are not many studies investigating on disability caused by this disorder and its implication on individuals quality of life and perception of social support from family or friends and studies specifically on the interplay between these variables. Therefore, the need for a scientific and comprehensive understanding of these issues faced by women in Indian geographical setting women was felt necessary; hence this study evolved.