Assessment of Sweet Potato Clones for Improvement in Nigeria

Assessment of Sweet Potato Clones for Improvement in Nigeria

Yakubu Pwajok Mwanja,Otsanjugu Timothy Namo

Autore: Yakubu Pwajok Mwanja,Otsanjugu Timothy Namo
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 80
Data Pubblicazione: 2018-07-06
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

This maiden book caters for the needs of students, researchers and academics in the life sciences particularly plant sciences. People outside these niches will find it useful as well given the depth of literature used and meticulous analysis of data employed. The book provides insight on strategies adopted in bypassing the sexual incompatibility problems encountered in the improvement of the crop. It also provides improved approaches to good management and maintenance of planting material in the event of scarcity when the rains are not available. Finally users will find this book helpful in designing their greenhouse and field experiments.