Computer Application to Help Handicapped People Use Gmail

Computer Application to Help Handicapped People Use Gmail

Mokhtar Saad Alkhattali

Autore: Mokhtar Saad Alkhattali
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 68
Data Pubblicazione: 2018-10-03
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

Voice recognition is an alternative to typing on the keyboard. Simply put, talk to the computer and the words appear on the screen. Writing computer software was developed to provide a fast method and can help a variety of people with disabilities. Generally, it is useful for people with physical disabilities find difficult typing painful or impossible. Recognized words are almost always because voice recognition software is correctly written in, slurred speech, including users who have dyslexia, which can help. Voice recognition software analyzes sound and works by converting them into text. This book is about the development of a software to help handicapped people use the Gmail on their own without getting any help from anyone.