Fishes in Seagrass Beds in the Islands of Lavezares Northern Samar

Fishes in Seagrass Beds in the Islands of Lavezares Northern Samar

Freddie Rick Sorio

Autore: Freddie Rick Sorio
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 104
Data Pubblicazione: 2018-11-14
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

This book is written as one of the academic requirement needed for graduation in College. This book is all about fishes that can be found in an ecosystem called the seagrass beds. This study attempted to know the relationship that lies between marine animals and this vast and diverse ecosystem. All information attached in this book will tell about the importance of seagrasses to almost all marine animals including fishes. The importance of this ecosystem as protection for juvenile fishes against predation, trapping of organic particles as well as spawning area for most of fishes in the ocean. This book will tell you about the different species of fishes that can be found in seagrass beds.