Algeria/Kosovo; the impossible comparison

Algeria/Kosovo; the impossible comparison

Paul Antoine

Autore: Paul Antoine
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 92
Data Pubblicazione: 2019-02-18
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

After pressuring Serbia so much, western countries realised Serbia wont recognise the independence of Kosovo within the current situation. The NATO's intervention in Yugoslavia which lead in 2008 to the selfdeclared independence of Kosovo opened the pandora box. If Kosovo is independent then why is the Serbian Republic of Bosnia not part of Serbia? Kosovo is the heart of many fakes and attempt to rewrite its history. Trying to compare Kosovo as a former Serbian colony as Algeria was from France is one of this attempts. Talking about colonial time, Kosovo is mainly backed by former colonial powers while Serbia is supported by many former colonies such as Algeria. Kosovo is one of the last chapter of the cold war but also an example of how the world is in case of unipolarity, in that time, the American's omnipotence. Algeria/Kosovo; the impossible comparison is an answer to those trying to rewrite history and seeking to compare the impossible.