Africa-s Population Boom: Disaster or Opportunity?

Africa-s Population Boom: Disaster or Opportunity?

Metahan Traore

Autore: Metahan Traore
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 176
Data Pubblicazione: 2019-02-26
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

The author analyzes in a multidimensional approach the mechanism of the interrelationship between the socioeconomic, cultural factors and the explosive demographic growth of Africa. This rapid population growth can be a disaster if the necessary investments are not made to expand education, health and provide employments for young Africans. The impact of high fertility rates lead to demographic pressure in terms of high social demand, unemployment, persistent poverty and political instability. This book provides a detailed analysis of conditions and requirements to meet to take full economic advantage and enforce opportunities of ongoing population dynamics. The continent will need to accelerate reforms in demographic transition and capturing of demographic dividend in order to decline fertility and enhance demographic transition and the potential economic opportunities. Africa will have to foster human capital formation through promotion of education, health and employment. This book gives to readers to understand the factors and manifestations of overpopulation trends and provide insights into the necessary socioeconomic policies that might conduct Africa in economic growth.