Relationship Between Expenditure on Oil Imports and Public Spending

Relationship Between Expenditure on Oil Imports and Public Spending

Zakayo Imbogo,Nelson H W Wawire

Autore: Zakayo Imbogo,Nelson H W Wawire
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 92
Data Pubblicazione: 2019-11-26
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

Since independence, oil imports in Kenya have been rising mainly to sustain the nascent transport, manufacturing, energy, agriculture and maritime sectors among other uses in the country. The growth in the countrys oil import bill has however been closely related to public spending in the health and education sectors which experienced shocks owing to the growth in expenditures apportioned to the rising volume of oil imports. Given the significance of the social pillar of the Kenya Vision 2030 and the inconsistency in the progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, which is inherent in the Kenya Vision 2030, understanding the linkages between the aforementioned trends in expenditures can help in explaining the progress towards attaining the education and health facets of the social pillar.