Star Fukk: The Swingin' Sixties' Generation

Star Fukk: The Swingin' Sixties' Generation

Robin Bright

Autore: Robin Bright
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 76
Data Pubblicazione: 2019-12-09
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

Jim Jerk bends forward, beads of sweat flowing copiously from the furrows in his brow as, concentrating furiously, he endeavors to complete what to millions of fans (Fukkies) and ordinary viewers (Fuckers) all over the world is affectionately known as the Captain's slog. Mister Spunk vents his muppetry, 'Pardon me sir, but do you think the bridge is the appropriate place for such a gratuitous display of human emotion?' Jerk is his usual iracible self, 'When I want your opinion Mister, I'll ask for it!' Despite the vehemence of his tin pot god, Spunk has the persistence of his full can intellect: 'It's most illogical Captain.' Jerk, however, doesn't seem to have any respect for the cans of his fellow orifices, 'Damn you Mister Spunk! Coming from a pointyeared greenblooded alien with a threeinch penis ' Spunk cuts him short, 'A regrettable display of animosity Captain and also grossly inaccurate. Current status is approximately 3.19231456 '