Conservation Of Egyptian Mummy Stuffed With Cotton Under Wrapping

Conservation Of Egyptian Mummy Stuffed With Cotton Under Wrapping

Venice Ibrahim Shehatta Attia

Autore: Venice Ibrahim Shehatta Attia
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 84
Data Pubblicazione: 2020-04-29
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

An Egyptian mummy stuffed with crude cotton plant under its linen wrapping dating back to the late era, its detailed study yielded significant information and we can say as a great finding it may be considered as a discovery. Its study corrected historical facts concerning cotton plant in ancient Egypt, also the treatment and conservation processes revealed its aesthetic value , its investigation and conservation led to the correction of the information concerning cotton in ancient Egypt proving that cotton was well known,cultivated and used as a sort of plant fiber in textile but was less used than flax plant that produced linen fibers and also it se came in later times of ancient Egypt, thus its revolutionary modern industrial introduction in modern Egypt as well as importing new spices from India and other parts of the world was led by Mohamed Ali pasha the great in the beginning of the 19th century.