The Book of the Universe

The Book of the Universe

Richard Dolan

Autore: Richard Dolan
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 152
Data Pubblicazione: 2021-02-17
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

In this book I explain what the universe is all about. I answer the really big questions, such as: Where did the universe come from? Who are we and what are we doing here? Is there a God? What is ultimate reality? Ill tell you that some of the answers are paradoxical. They change, depending on who is asking the question and how. I will show you how the paradoxes arise and why theyre essential to the existence of our universe. Answering the big questions will take us into the realm of physics, since it isnt enough to say, Yes, theres a God, and God created the universe. We need to know how God did it. I will present a model of the universe that shows exactly how the standard models of particle physics and cosmology come to be. The standard models are powerful, accurate theories that are wellverified by experiment. Ill show how they arise from ultimate reality. Well also get into the realm of consciousness. Ill show you what consciousness is and how its related to the physical world. It turns out that consciousness is more fundamental than the physical universe, but its also a result of physical processes in the brain. It depends on who is looking at it and how.