Road Map to Total Energy Access via PPC & Power Resource Mapping (PRM)

Road Map to Total Energy Access via PPC & Power Resource Mapping (PRM)

Christian Rory Evergreen

Autore: Christian Rory Evergreen
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 52
Data Pubblicazione: 2022-01-17
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

In recent times, the national grid of nations undergo challenges due to issues with population explosion leading to overload or hazardous weather conditions. Thus, in the coming years, there could be issues with overload and grid failure. Also, there are issues with climate change, so smart grid technology will be needed for detecting weather electrical issues. Thus there is a need to design the national grid system of countries with cognizance to the population using the power per capita(PPC) model thus catering for the energy need of each citizen. However, if the above plan is considered, there will still be issues with limited power resources, thus there is a need to divide each nation's region into small regions in strategic power resource locations known as power resource mapping(PRM). The conventional method of transferring power from main power regions to distant regions within the same country is no longer sustainable or efficient as this will encourage transmission losses. Thus, there is a need to decentralize the system and incorporate central smart grid systems and several minigrids with the view of designing it towards grid expansion due to population explosion.