Porcine Germplasms of Humid Tropical Islands of India

Porcine Germplasms of Humid Tropical Islands of India

P. Perumal,A. K. De,D. Bhattacharya

Autore: P. Perumal,A. K. De,D. Bhattacharya
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 220
Data Pubblicazione: 2022-08-18
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

Andaman and Nicobar Islands have 27.26% pigs among livestock. Three categories such as Andaman Local pig (ALG; Andaman Islands), Nicobari pig (NP; Nicobar Islands) and long snouted Little Andaman wild pig are in ANI. Others are Large White Yorkshire crossbreds are available in ANI. Nicobari Pig occupies a prominent place in custom, festivals and socioeconomic status of Nicobari tribes. These ALP and NP are meat breeds and reared under free range or semiintensive system. Nicobari pig is appeared as short, black/brownish in colour and living as a family. Andaman local pig has its body color varies from rusty grey to brown and black. Andaman wild pig is an endangered pig germplasm of ANI. Jarawa tribes prefer this wild pig as a protein source. It is black in colour, short legged, small to medium sized and a prolific breeder. Large White Yorkshire crossbreds are brown to light white in colour with different bands of black colour. This is highly suitable for commercial production of pork in ANI. This book is very useful to the animal health workers, Veterinarians, pig farmers, animal health scientists and field extension workers.