Ingredients: MSM.
Obtained from plants, most often pine pulp containing lignin.
Usage: 0.5 g (half a teaspoon) twice a day. Mix with juice.
MSM organic sulfur form. MSM is a pure, natural, stable, white crystalline powder, free from unpleasant odors, with a slightly bitter taste. MSM is odorless, non-gassy, ​​or odorless.
Effect on the skin
It can affect tissue pliability and helps repair damaged skin. This effect can be exacerbated by the simultaneous intake of vitamin C. With insufficient amounts of organic sulfur in the body, the newly produced cells become stiff, which can lead to cracking and wrinkles.
Organic sulfur affects the condition of the skin, especially its softness, smoothness and elasticity.
MSM hair and nails
Organic sulfur affects the condition of the hair and its elasticity. This is because sulfur amino acids, one of the building blocks of proteins, are found in keratin, the main protein present in large amounts in hair.
Nails are 98% made of a stiff protein with a high sulfur content called keratin, which is produced by cells under the nail. Consuming MSM can dramatically improve nails by providing the body with the basic ingredients for building them.
Sulfur acts as a powerful antioxidant. It is an essential component of the antioxidant glutathione peroxidase.