FIREWÖLFE - We Rule The Night
Limb Music
LMP 1410-147 CD

U.S. Melodic Metal

"We Rule The Night" klingt wie ein Tribut an die große Zeit des Hollywood Strips und seinen vielen legendären Bands der Achtziger, kombiniert mit einer spielerischen Klasse, die damals oft nicht vorhanden war. Die Konkurrenz ist groß, aber FIREWÖLFE haben mit David Fefolt (u.a. Masi, Angels of Babylon, Valhalla), Jay Schellen (Badfinger, Unruly Child, Hurricane, Asia...), sowie Bobby Ferkovich (Presto Ballet, Power Train, Heir Apparent, Pamela Moore Band...) sehr starke Argumente um aus der Masse hervorzuragen. Fans von Bands wie Icon, Rough Cutt, Dokken, Malice, Ratt oder Eden werden "We Rule The Night" geradezu in sich aufsaugen.

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"We Rule The Night" sounds like a tribute to the great times of the Hollywood Strip and its countless legendary bands of the eighties, combined with musicianship of such an excellent class that is not often encountered. They have a lot of competition but FIREWÖLFE, featuring David Fefolt. (Masi, Angels of Babylon, Valhalla...), Jay Schellen (Badfinger, Unruly Child, Hurricane, Asia...), as well as Bobby Ferkovich (Presto Ballet, Power Train, Heir Apparent, Pamela Moore Band...), have much stronger traits, which raise them up above the masses. Fans of bands such as Icon, Rough Cutt, Dokken, Malice, Ratt and Eden will simply lap up "We Rule The Night".

01. We Rule The Night
02. The Devil's Music
03. Late Last Night
04. A Senator's Gun
05. Long Road Home
06. Who's Gonna Love You?
07. Ready To Roll
08. Betrayal's Kiss
09. Luck Of The Draw
10. Dream Child


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