61577 Internal number only dated 23-05-2023

I WILL POST WORLD WIDE Please Read Description

I have listed in eBay this item/items and designated it as Free Postage, which means I will at my expense pay the franking of this letter to any country in the world. This will cover shipping by regular mail or air-mail. The items would be sent on free postage at a risk since it is not registered. I will provide you a photograph with the correct franking to your country with your name and address.

I will provide you with a photo via e-mail once I have posted your letter at my local post office.

Most of the items via regular mail would take 1 to 4 weeks and sometimes longer for delivery depending where in the world you live in.



The items have been scanned at 600dpi or at 1200dpi unless specified so that details and or imperfections can be seen, and therefore the stamp or stamps are sold as seen. No further scans will be carried out as this is time consuming on my part.

Unless otherwise stated, please note that any stamp mounts shown in the scan(s) are for display purposes only, and are not included in the sale. However, please be assured that all stamp lots will be securely and safely packaged for posting.