Our premium quality Sorghum Millet is sourced from the best farms in India and is carefully cultivated using traditional methods, ensuring that our product is natural and pure. Sorghum Millet is a highly nutritious grain that is packed with essential vitamins and minerals. It is a rich source of protein, dietary fiber, and antioxidants, making it an ideal choice for those looking to boost their health and wellbeing. In addition to its impressive nutritional profile, Sorghum Millet boasts a unique, nutty flavor that is sure to impress. Our Sorghum Millet is easy to cook and can be used in a variety of dishes, from traditional porridges to modern-day salads. Its versatility and nutritional value make it an ideal addition to any diet, and it is suitable for all age groups. At Danodia Foods, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality products, and our Sorghum Millet is no exception. We carefully handpick each grain and ensure that it is cleaned and packaged to perfection, preserving its natural flavor and goodness. So, whether you are looking to add more nutrition to your diet or just want to try a new and delicious grain, our Sorghum Millet is the perfect choice. Sorghum grains are unrelated to wheat, so they are suitable for those with celiac disease or a gluten intolerance. Traditionally, this gluten free flour has been used to create pancakes, porridges, beer and flatbread such as jowar roti in India. It can also substitute for other grains in cakes, cookies, breads and muffins. Due to its mild taste and smooth texture, sorghum flour is a great choice to replace wheat flour in sweet breads, cookies and more .