Anti-Viral Car Fogger is a powerful anti-bacterial, anti-viral treatment ideal for micro-organisms that live and breed on the interior surfaces of vehicles. The highly effective sanitiser kills harmful bacteria and virus based micro-organisms quickly, safely and efficiently. The simple lock and leave application will sanitise treated surfaces in just 2 minutes, leaving a fresh citrus scent. Re-treat the vehicle when necessary.

Suitable for cars, SUV’s, the cabin areas of commercial vehicles and similar. Anit-Viral Car Fogger Kills enveloped viruses including Coronavirus, Flu, SARS and H1N1.



How to use:
  1. First ensure interior fans are turned off. Shake the aerosol can well and remove the lid.
  2. Position the can upright in the centre of the car but as low down as possible, often between the front seats as this gives the best coverage in the vehicle.
  3. Press the trigger until it locks down, pointing the nozzle away from you. Exit vehicle and close windows and doors.
  4. Once the can is fully discharged, do not enter the vehicle for a further 5 minutes.
  5. Open all doors/windows fully. Remove any overspray with a clean, damp microfibre cloth and allow the vehicle to air for a further 5 minutes.
  6. Safely dispose of the empty aerosol can. Finally Clean glass with Fast Glass or similar