Tadpole Bladder Aquarium Snails.
Colour may vary from beige, blue/grey, brown or black. 15 Picked at random. 

Reared by myself at home as a hobby; in well kept planted tropical aquariums with suitable water parameters; I started actively keeping and collecting various aquatic snail species as I found them interesting, funny and adorable additions to my tanks. 

They are fed fresh fruit and veg (Mellon, spinach, cucumber, pear, banana...) with plenty of calcium (crushed oyster and egg shells). But they can eat any leftover fish food as well as algae. 
These little guys will happily live in any sized tank/aquarium or bio jar (as long as water parameters are suitable). They may not always be visible in a big tank. 
They can live with many different types of tank mates, like other aquatic snails (excluding assassins), invertebrates and most fish. They don't take up any water space for the fish. 
They typically hang out by the waters surface and anywhere in the tank that has a build up of algae, dead plant matter, or food.; With food they rarely eat living plants. 
They will reproduce naturally when in the right conditions. The population will also drop naturally with less resources (or poor water conditions). As the population is dependent on the amount of food available to them.
They are one of the easiest snails to keep, and prefer hard water with a higher ph. They do require calcium (for strong shell growth). 

They can be used:
• As food or enrichment for puffers, loaches, assassin snails, and potentially some medium to large omnivorous fish and amphibians.
• As a cleaning crew for tanks or bio jars that are over fed or have algae. 
• To make a tank or bio jar look more naturalistic, or create an eco system.
• They can make adorable educational and easy maintenance pets for children. 

15 (adult bladder snails only) for £10. Colours may vary. 

Collection only.