Product Description

Size :- 3 inches , Weight :- 60-70 grams

The Amethyst gemstone healing bowl is a magnificent creation crafted from genuine Amethyst gemstone. Amethyst is a variety of quartz that exhibits a stunning purple color, ranging from pale lavender to deep violet. The healing bowl is expertly carved and polished to showcase the exquisite beauty and natural patterns found within the Amethyst, resulting in a captivating and harmonious piece.


Spiritual Awakening and Intuition: Amethyst is highly regarded for its ability to stimulate spiritual growth and enhance intuition. The gemstone healing bowl can create a sacred space for meditation and spiritual practices, helping to quiet the mind, open the third eye, and deepen your connection with the spiritual realm. It can support the exploration of higher consciousness and facilitate spiritual awakening.

Calming and Stress Relief: Amethyst has a soothing and calming energy that can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and emotional turmoil. The gemstone healing bowl acts as a gentle energy amplifier, promoting relaxation, inner peace, and tranquility. It can assist in quieting an overactive mind, promoting restful sleep, and providing a sense of emotional balance and stability.

Healing and Protection: Amethyst is renowned for its healing properties and is often used in crystal healing practices. The gemstone healing bowl can facilitate physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. It is believed to have a purifying effect on the aura, removing negative energies and promoting a sense of protection. Amethyst can also assist in the release of addictive patterns, supporting recovery and promoting overall well-being.

Enhanced Intuition and Psychic Abilities: Amethyst is associated with enhancing intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual insight. By using the Amethyst healing bowl, you can tap into your innate intuitive gifts and develop a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you. It can help sharpen your psychic senses, expand your awareness, and provide guidance and clarity in your spiritual journey.

Inner Strength and Balance: Amethyst promotes inner strength, courage, and emotional balance. The gemstone healing bowl can assist in overcoming challenges, providing support during difficult times, and enhancing resilience. It helps to align the mind, body, and spirit, fostering a sense of harmony and balance within oneself.

Clarity of Thought and Focus: Amethyst has a clarifying effect on the mind and can improve mental focus and concentration. The gemstone healing bowl can be used during meditation or study sessions to enhance cognitive abilities, improve memory, and promote clear thinking. It can assist in finding solutions to problems and making decisions with clarity and wisdom.

Overall, the Amethyst gemstone healing bowl is a beautiful and powerful tool for spiritual growth, emotional healing, and overall well-being. Its properties of spiritual awakening, calming energy, healing, enhanced intuition, and mental clarity make it a valuable addition to any spiritual practice or healing journey.