Wrapped Double Lollies
Mixed Flavors 
Suckers Smartie Pops 
2 Pounds
There are approx 52 lollies per pound
This item is offered by weight  not count. 
Sizes change from the manufacturer with no prior notice.
 We offer the approximate count as service at the time of the listing. 
Please check with the manufacturer if a definite count is needed
Dextrose (contains corn syrup solids and/or maltodextrin), Citric Acid, Calcium Stearate, Natural and Artificial Flavors, 
Colors (red 40 lake, yellow 5 lake, yellow 6 lake, blue 2 lake).
 **Smarties contain none of the following: gluten (from wheat, barley, oats and rye), milk, egg,
 fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, wheat, peanuts or soybeans.