Harringtons - Complete Dry Dog Food Lamb & Rice 15kg - All Natural Ingredients

Harringtons - Complete Dry Dog Food Lamb & Rice 15kg - All Natural Ingredients


  • 1. THE NATURAL CHOICE - At Harringtons, we believe every dog deserves natural food that's balanced, wholesome and tasty. From puppies to seniors to special diets, we make a range that's perfect for you
  • 2. RICH IN LAMB - Harringtons Lamb & Rice Dry Dog Food 15kg is a complete adult dog food that has been carefully formulated using all natural ingredients to provide wholesome nutrition for your dog
  • 3. NO NASTIES - The #1 ingredient in our dry dog food is meat, for a nutritionally balanced meal. And we never use artificial colour and flavours or added wheat
  • 4. CARING FOR THE ENVIRONMENT - As part of our efforts to keep packaging to a minimum and help send less packaging waste to landfill, this pack is 100% polyethylene and can be recycled
  • 5. MADE IN THE UK – Harringtons dog food is proudly made by ourselves right here in the UK and has been family run since 1923
  • Rich in Lamb & Rice
  • The natural choice
  • Natural ingredients


harringtons the natural choice natural for all

Dry dog food made with natural ingredients

harringtons dry dog food

Complete, wholesome and 100% natural - Harringtons dog food is the healthy everyday choice for every dog. Our all-natural dog food is packed with goodness and flavour to keep your dog happy and well.

overhead shot

The #1 ingredient is freshly-prepared meat, for a nutritionally balanced meal. And we never use artificial colour and flavours or added wheat. No nasties. No surprises. Just natural, wholesome goodness. 

high meat recipefreshcookproudly made in the ukall natural ingredients

Important information

Safety Information:

Recipe: 26g Lamb* in every 100g kibble, rich in Rice *6.5% dried Lamb, equivalent to 26g Lamb in every 100g kibble. Calories per 100g = 340 Kcal Feeding Guide The recommended daily servings are for a guide only. How much you feed also depends on age, breed and level of activity. Young and growing dogs require feeding little and often (2-3 times a day) and to appetite. Ensure clean, fresh water is always available. 3-10kg: 65-180g 10-20kg: 180-360g 20-40kg: 360-540g 40kg+: 540g+


See back of pack for full feeding guide. Harringtons Rich in Lamb and Rice is a complete pet food that can be fed for young and growing dogs. The recommended daily servings are a guide only. How much you feed also depends on age, breed and level of activity. Young and growing dogs require feeding little and often (2-3 times a day) and to appetite. Ensure clean, fresh water is always available. Weight (kg): 3-10 kg, Per Day (g): 65-180 g Weight (kg): 10-20 kg, Per Day (g): 180-360 g Weight (kg): 20-40 kg, Per Day (g): 360-540 g Weight (kg): 40 kg+, Per Day (g): 540 g+ For active dogs add 10 Percent.