Pfaltzgraff Winterberry Butter/Cheese Spreader 4pc Set.

While a butter cheese spreader is typically designed for spreading butter and cheese, there are a few alternative uses for this versatile tool. Here are some ideas:

Condiments: You can use a butter cheese spreader to spread other condiments like mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup, or even spreads like hummus or nut butter onto sandwiches, toast, or crackers.

Icing and frosting: The flat, wide blade of a butter cheese spreader can be handy for spreading icing or frosting onto cakes, cookies, or pastries.

Spreading dips: Use the spreader to spread creamy dips, such as guacamole, salsa, or sour cream-based dips, onto tortilla chips, crackers, or bread slices.

Nutella or chocolate spread: If you enjoy Nutella or other chocolate spreads, the butter cheese spreader can help you spread it onto bread, pancakes, waffles, or crepes.

Cream cheese or jam: Spread cream cheese or jam onto bagels, toast, or English muffins using the butter cheese spreader.

Peanut butter and jelly: While it may not be as efficient as a regular knife, a butter cheese spreader can still work for spreading peanut butter and jelly onto bread for a quick sandwich.

Remember to clean the spreader thoroughly after using it for anything other than butter or cheese to avoid flavor transfer or cross-contamination.