Saw Palmetto supplements are popular among men who are interested in healthy prostate function. As men age, they sometimes experience health problems related to their prostate gland. Dietary factors, as well as normal aging, can cause the prostate gland to become inflamed. As it becomes inflamed, it swells in size, putting pressure on the urethra. This can result in symptoms that may include difficulty urinating or painful urination. Saw palmetto contains natural compounds that may help to support prostate health by protecting prostate cells from DHT (dihydrotestosterone) which can cause the prostate to become inflamed, interfering with normal prostate health and function. Mason Natural Saw Palmetto is a whole herb formula providing 500 mg of saw palmetto fruit per capsule.
Our Prostate Therapy Complex provides a unique blend of vitamins, herbs, and natural compounds that may help support healthy prostate function.   As men age, prostate health becomes more important.  Dietary factors, as well as, normal aging can cause the prostate gland to become inflamed.  As it becomes inflamed, it swells in size putting pressure on the urethra.  This can sometimes result in symptoms that may include difficulty urinating or painful urination.  Fortunately, there are natural compounds that may help to support a healthy inflammatory response and also provide nutrients that the prostate needs for normal function.  Our Prostate Therapy Complex contains a comprehensive formulation of herbs, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that may help maintain normal prostate function, including free urinary flow.  Some of these ingredients include, whole herb extracts of saw palmetto, pumpkin seed, and nettle.  In addition, you’ll find lycopene, zinc, and selenium.  Our formula provides recommended levels of all these & more in one supplement.