Surf City Garage
Road Trip Grime Destroyer
24 ozs.
Product Details

Bugs, tree sap, tar, road grime and birds don’t care about your paint. They’ll destroy it right down to the bare metal. But you care. That’s why we created Road Trip Grime Destroyer. It’s a gel that stays where you put it to dissolve, remove and clean any exterior metal surface of your car. Yes, even clear coats! No more using watery bug & tar removers that drip off before they can do any good. This powerful gel is the only bug and tar remover that can handle “Love Bugs,” the most paint damaging insects on earth. So love your car, not the bug

1) Spray directly on surface grime. (2) Wait 30 seconds. (3) Wash away. For most stubborn grime, lightly wipe with a sponge or soft bristle brush.

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