Solving 9-11: The Original Articles Taschenbuch – 21. Juni 2012

A collection of journalist Christopher Bollyn's original research articles about the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, Solving 9-11: The Original Articles is the second volume in the Solving 9-11 set. Dating from September 2001 to 2012, the articles contain the factual information upon which Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World is based.
This is a very important documentation of the background details that led up to Bollyn's "Solving 911: The Deceit that Changed the World". It contains many startling activities that did not make the later publication due to brevity. I highly recommend reading both books, as "The Original Articles" are in chronological order and create an even more suspenseful and strong case supporting Bollyn's brave work over the last 14 years. If there are still deniers of these events, one can also start watching the staggering quantity of video and analysis on Youtube proving that only very high tech crimes were involved with this tragedy and that they had been planned many years in advance.

Professor Anthony J. Hall has rightly called the 9/11 Truth Movement the heart and centre of the peace movement within our time. Understanding the true nature and character of this event is essential to developing a sound perceptual paradigm within which to accurately interpret what is going on in the Middle East and helping to put a stop to the bloodbath that has been taking place there and turn the tide against what seems to be an inexorable march towards World War Three. In this context Christopher Bollyn's work is being seen as increasingly valuable for the unique perspective he has brought to 9/11 studies.

The founding fathers of the 9/11 Truth Movement are well known to seasoned 9/11 researchers. Thierry Meyssan, Nafeez Ahmed, Michel Chossudovsky, Michael C. Ruppert, David Ray Griffin and Webster Tarpley published their pioneering analyses between the years 2002 and 2005 and brought to the attention of millions the fact that the official narrative of the day's events simply could not be reconciled with empirical evidence. During these years Christopher Bollyn was carrying out painstaking research while working as a journalist for a small outfit based in Washington DC. Whereas other researchers focused on debunking the unsupportable claims of the official narrative Bollyn concentrated on finding out who was behind the greatest terrorist attack in US history. His thesis is presented in 
 Solving 9-11: The Deception That Changed the World .

In this volume the author has gathered together the original articles he published as a salaried journalist for American Free Press which form the source material for his other volume. As well as being informationally richer these articles read more naturally than his principal text and showcase Bollyn's prodigious skills as a forensic investigative journalist. These articles are of unique historical importance constituting essential reading to anyone who wishes to acquire a thorough understanding of the chain of events leading up to and following this important historical event. Undoubtedly, both future and present historians will find in these articles an invaluable resource with which to penetrate through the official propaganda that has been designed to intentionally obscure the identity of the network of conspirators who pulled off this audacious act.
The author, Christopher Bollyn, is one of the very few people who were not deceived by the events as they have unfolded on and since 9/11. He immediately began meticulous research into the many inconsistencies and obvious lies being propagated about 9/11 by the MSM (Main Stream Media) and government. This work lead him to the Zionist network orchestrating many of the most important parts of this crime. It is particularly fascinating to see the depth of his understanding about what had happened and was going on when looking at when each of the articles were published, starting with has first article dated September 18, 2001 covering the Israeli Terror Suspects Captured by the FBI. Or, his article on October 12, 2003, Is the Pentagon Mystery Disc from a Global Hawk? You can open this book on any page and be overwhelmed with compelling evidence, for example: page 131, "The Censored Eyewitness Testimony of William Rodriguez". Or, page 268: The Dirty Business Behind the 9-11 Clean-up.
Christopher Bollyn has put together a chronology of evidence that entire corrupted departments in our government were obliged to do but have neglected to do.