"The TCO module is an optional extension for selected RME cards. Placed in a free slot of the computer chassis the TCO will be connected with the main card via a flat ribbon cable.
The small module provides the HDSPe cards with a Word Clock input and offers a synchronization to LTC and video. Thanks to SteadyClock(TM), the TCO not only extracts absolute positions from LTC, but also a very clean low-jitter word clock from LTC and video. Thus a sample accurate timecode synchronization to audio or video sources is assured.
One single TCO can be used with different HDSP/HDPe cards at the same time (multicard), if connected to a supported card (see graphic).
LTC can be derived and generated in all common formats, i.e. 24, 25, 30, and 29.97 frames; drop-frame or non-dropframe. Commonly used Pull-Up- and Pull-Down formats (+/- 0.1% and +/- 4%) can be utilised, and PAL and NTSC video formats will be automatically detected and processed.
The received Time Code can be sent to the audio or video application as ASIO Positioning Protocol (APP) or MTC. An application can send APP to the TCO, which will generate LTC on hardware level with lowest jitter (Windows only). Several fly-wheel functions facilitate chase operation (adjustable drop-out length, Continuous- or Jam-Sync).
Under Windows the TCO provides the SMPTE position as APP (ASIO Positioning Protocol) and as MTC Sync. Under Mac OS X the TCO provides the SMPTE position as MTC Sync only.
The TCO has a combined switchable Word Clock/Video input (BNC) as well as an LTC input (BNC). The Word Clock /Video input on the card can comfortably be terminated (relay-controlled) with a 75 Ohm terminator from the settings dialog.
The TCO also features an additional LTC output (BNC) with two level settings (configurable via jumper)." (source:rme.com)

Karte funktioniert einwandfrei / Card works fine.

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