Director Frank Vitale pushes boundaries in this independent,controversial story from 1974 that clashes two different worlds: the low-rent bohemian areas of Boulevard Saint-Laurent and the middle-class suburbs of Montreal.

Frank plays a photographer living among the assorted outcasts, junkies, gay/bisexual friends, and artists populating Montreal's Main street. Quieter and more introspective than most of his friends, Frank meets Johnny, a twelve-year-old kid looking to escape the boredom of the suburbs. For Frank, this new friendship both renews and confuses him. While for Johnny, it offers the freedom he craves so much. But this relationship is not without perils, and it will be tested, both from within and without.

At times disquieting, "Montreal Main" is a cinéma vérité depiction of an offbeat generation, worlds apart from today.

Special features on this DVD include commentary by Director Frank Vitale, Allen Moyle, and Johnny Sutherland. Also commentary by gay film historian Professor Thomas Waugh and a featurette "Remember the Main."

Digitally restored through the Concordia University's School of Cnema and the audio-visual Preservation Trust of Canada.

**Copyright 2009 Frank Vitale & Sanya Productions. All Rights Reserved. DVD is authorized for sale or rent in the country where originally sold (only in the U.S and Canada respectively). Unauthorized reproduction, distribution or exhibition violates US Federal, Canadian & International laws.