Custom 2 color silhouette pokemone art frame with proof included. The reason the card condition is heavily played is I need to cut them to fit the frame and the damages some of them. Ebay made me put a condition

You get either a 5x7 or 7x7 inch design, whichever the design fits best. That is the design size, the frame is bigger and may vary depending upon what is available.

Can include the pokemon card or have all Foiled Energies behind the silhouette. It depends on the design what is behind the silhouette.

You can have an already created design or I can work up a proof for you. 2 changes only.

All Pokémon cards used will be authentic, Foiled, and should display for a long time so long as it's not in direct sunlight.

Shipping and handling times will be set as long as possible but I may need to order specific Foiled Pokémon, Energies, and design time might make it longer than the ebay set time. I will absolutely be working towards the fulfillment in the order they are received.