Psidium guajaba seeds

SPECIES FROM china, SMALL TREE with quite decorative flowers, THE FRUIT IS THE REASON WHY THE SPECIES IS CULTIVATED: It is used as part of the diet of many people, it has a white/yellowish/pink pulp that is edible and VERY SCENTED THE OFFER IS FOR SEEDS!!!! Plant in seedbeds almost without burying the seeds in a very drained soil and a sheltered site

Psidium guajaba seeds SPECIES FROM china, SMALL TREE with quite decorative flowers, THE FRUIT IS THE REASON WHY THE SPECIES IS CULTIVATED: It is used as part of the diet of many people, it has a white/yellowish/pink pulp that is edible and VERY SCENTED THE OFFER IS FOR SEEDS!!!! Plant in seedbeds almost without burying the seeds in a very drained soil and a sheltered site