Dear buyers! 

I am a professional photographer and I myself have used a dandelion chip on my lenses with my cameras for more than 10 years! I have installed chips on more than 10,000 lenses and adapters! Only I sell original dandelion chip for Nikon and Canon! If you bought from me and received my service, you will never buy a similar product from another seller! Only I give instructions and advice before and after the purchase! My service on Ebay is unique and the best. My store is available for shopping 24/7.

This adapter is made for installation Tamron Adaptal manual lenses to Nikon F DSLR/film camera!

I make the free pre-programming each chip.
(in the chip programmed focal length and full aperture range).

I make a personal video clip to each buyer of the   adapter with chip, in this video clip I show completely programmed chip!

all video recorded for buyers to look at my  YouTube channel: Andrii Kurianov

On this adapter installed programmable chip Nikon. ( Dandelion Lushnikov - made in Europe - not China!!! )

1. You can control the lens aperture of the camera. You can select any aperture through your camera!

2. The chip can operate in aperture priority mode A.

3. The chip can operate in mode M, P, and other modes.

4. Chip allows you to select any point of focus.

5. The chip provides the focus confirmation sound and light signal, as the autofocus lens Nikon.

6. The chip will not take a picture until no focus confirmation! (AF trap)

   AF Chip "Dandelion" for Nikon Compatibility. 

There are only three film cameras that Dandelion is not compatible with: F4, F60 and F90x. It works with all other models perfectly. Programming mode is not compatible with F5 and D1X/H models.

How to photograph with a dandelion chip on lenses without a diaphragm control lever

1. In the camera menu, you need to select the shooting mode AF-S

2. Select the aperture value in the camera

3. Select the same aperture value on the lens

4. Select the focus point (for example, center point)

5. Look at the viewfinder

6. You can fully press the shutter release button

7. Turn the focus ring

8. The camera shutter will work as soon as the subject of the shot is in focus. (This is how the focus trap works).

9. When the focus appears, you will hear the focus confirmation sound and see the focus confirmation light at the selected focus point.

Dandelion ( programmable chip ) is designed to be installed on adapter rings and manual lenses so that they could then be used on Nikon AF digital and film cameras. 

Because Dandelion is about the same size as a match, it can be fitted to any existing adapter ring or lens with Nikon F bayonet mount. Lenses with such bayonet mounts have been produced since 1959. 

With Dandelion fixed on the ring, a camera obtains exposure metering function. If your camera has a 3D matrix meter, it will function as well. 

Precision focus will be acknowledged by a sound and light signal. On the screen you will also find highlighted spots that got into focus area. Junior series digital cameras will provide an acknowledging beep. 

With Dandelion installed on a lens with an automatic AI-S aperture, the aperture will be controlled through the camera similar to autofocus lenses. This is one of Nikon's strongest points: you don't have to care about aperture when using an old manual lens. 

Dandelion has another peculiar feature of "hard" shutter block before acknowledging signal. When pressing shutter release button up to the stop, the shot is made immediately in response to the signal. This is useful when shooting fast-moving objects. 

Dandelion's most important feature for eager photographers is the possibility to change its parameters without taking it off the camera. You can alter focal length and other parameters pre-set in Dandelion. See programming instructions.