The Kuril Islands Russia Japan Antique Map Bellin 1740

Title : Carte Des Isles Kouriles d'apres la Carte Russe…par Laurent

Description: Fine map of the Kuril Islands in Russia's Sakhalin Oblast region, the Kuril Islands form part of the ring of tectonic instability encircling the Pacific ocean referred to as the Ring of Fire, from Hokkaido, Japan, to Kamchatka, Russia, separating the Sea of Okhotsk from the North Pacific Ocean. There are 56 islands and many more minor rocks. It consists of Greater Kuril Ridge and Lesser Kuril Ridge.

Jacques Nicolas Bellin (1703 – 21 March 1772)
Bellin was born in Paris. He was hydrographer of France's hydrographic office, member of the Académie de Marine and of the Royal Society of London. Over a 50 year career, he produced a large number of maps of particular interest to the Ministère de la Marine.

Most of the plates in the Dutch edition of Prévost's "Histoire générale des voyages" are signed by the engraver van der Schley.
Publishers: Prévost, Abbé, 1697-1763 - Meusnier de Querlon, A.-G. 1702-1780 - Pierre de Hondt, The Hague between 1747 – 1780.

Authentic Antique Old Maps & Prints from the past
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Sheet app.: 31.5 x 26 cm. 12 x 10.5 inches.
Image app.: 26.5 x 24 cm. 10.25 x 9.25 inches.
Condition: Very good clean engraving, nice title cartouche, old 18th century paper, hand colored map, no flaws.


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