New Book , Polish release

The book presents the worst-case scenario in the history of medicine - the complicity of Third Reich doctors in Nazi crimes. It is an exhaustive study of the key role played by much of the medical profession in the policy of extermination and the creation of an Aryan race of supermen. It examines in detail how a program to eliminate disabled and mentally ill children - conceived, coordinated and executed by doctors - ultimately turned into mass murder in extermination camps and medical experiments conducted by renowned medical specialists. It gives an overview of all aspects of Hitler's extermination biopolitics: from the beginnings of the eugenics movement in Germany through the publications Mein Kampf, the creation of forced sterilization programs, the T4 campaign targeting the mentally ill and disabled, the experiments with twins of the infamous Dr. Mengele, up to the post-war legal trials that condemned this type of practices. It also shows how perversely Nazism used the medical knowledge of the time and how much Hitler's doctors violated the Hippocratic Oath.  

The above description comes from the publisher.

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