New Book , Polish release

It all started when Karen was betrayed by her own fingers. They signed what was given to her and pretended they belonged to a modern woman.

After separating from her husband, they sensibly shared their furniture and favorite things. They looked at joint bank accounts and loans. It went well, they told themselves. Until they finally faced the issue of dividing custody of the child.

They carefully established fair rules - after all, there is nothing more important than the happiness of three-year-old Anna. And yet Karen cannot get used to the new situation. If you are a mother one week, who are you the next week when you take your daughter to her father's? Why do you feel like you're losing yourself? Does the fact that you carried a baby in your belly, gave birth to it and latched it to your breast give you an advantage?

Be Kind to Animals is a powerful and painfully honest novel that has been awarded the most important Norwegian literary awards. Monica Isakstuen boldly breaks the taboo on divorce and the division of custody of children, while writing a moving story about the complicated relationships of mothers and daughters.

The above description comes from the publisher.

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